
Biological Sciences


Michael Foster




Cross-Cultural Competencies, University Internationalization, Global Citizens, International University Partnerships


Universities around the world have been transforming their students into global citizens in part by establishing international university partnerships to help provide opportunities to develop cross-cultural competencies. Outlined within the 2016-2021 Academic Strategic Plan, one of the central goals of the University of Rhode Island (URI) is enabling a 21st century 24/7 learning environment to work across various cultures in what has been defined as an ever-increasingly interconnected world. This paper intends to highlight the existing methodologies in place for the inclusion of bilateral exchange international students in the undergraduate community of the University of Rhode Island. I aim to provide a comprehensive review of existing academic and nonacademic structures devoted to the globalization efforts at URI and their impact in order to evaluate the 21st century 24/7 learning environment that is in place for this cohort. From this research, I aim to suggest potential recommendations to the Office of International Education that may advance the internationalization efforts for future international undergraduate students coming on exchange to the University of Rhode Island.
