


Cloud, Mary, E.

Advisor Department

Nursing, College of




lateral violence, nursing, self-affirmation, horizontal violence, confidence


Lateral violence or workplace bullying occurs when overt or covert acts of aggression are carried out between colleagues. It is usually perpetrated by someone of higher authority. It is discouraging to discover that nursing, such an esteemed and trusted profession, is plagued by the issue of lateral violence. This worldwide phenomenon not only affects nurses but also the patients in their care. Some of the negative consequences of nurse-to-nurse bullying include increased stress and subsequent health issues, low staff morale, increased absenteeism, and low quality of patient care. Some potential solutions to this issue include implementing zero tolerance policies, interrupting the violence as it is occurring, and encouraging dialogue.

As a nursing student and soon-to-be new graduate nurse, I have personally witnessed and struggled with lateral violence among nurses in the hospital setting. The selfesteem of each victim is often detrimentally altered. While conducting a literature review, three main themes that encompass the feelings of victims were discovered: being uncomfortable, burdensome, and alone. The mission of this project is to not only explore but also share the ways in which self-affirmation helps nursing students and new graduate nurses boost their confidence. Realizing one’s worthiness and abilities can propel a novice nurse to engage in necessary dialogue to promote a culture of change and acceptance within the nursing profession. The short-term plan is to share these findings in poster form with a local Magnet hospital. In the future, I plan to continue my work in this area with the goal of improving the self-esteem of all nurses.

Millan, Amanda.pdf (637 kB)
Project poster presented at the honors conference

Honors Project Poster Summary.pdf (52 kB)
Self-affirmation digital design.jpg (2154 kB)

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Nursing Commons
