


Mitchell, David Dr.

Advisor Department





Senior Business Seminar


How could a single idea increase the value of a university’s college of business? My project aims to do this through the successful implementation of a single class. It addresses some of the most important factors that current and prospective students should consider while they undergo their college searches, such as the post-graduation employment rate and starting salary across majors of interest.

My inspiration for the topic came from students struggling to find a job. I realized that every year around March, they would begin to suffer due to the self-inflicted pressure of being unemployed after commencement. I immediately knew that I wanted to find a way to relieve this stress, and the product was a class to be offered at URI that could improve the quantity and quality of jobs that business students landed. All findings are theoretical, but I strongly believe that it could make a difference in real-life application.

During the project’s construction, I utilized many resources to determine what factors should be added to the semester-long course, and which ones should be dropped. In the end, different elements were pulled together that were deemed important by employers, students, and other professionals alike.
