


Lisberger, Jody

Advisor Department

Women's Studies




Feminism is an often misunderstood term attached with negative connotations which has led to the lack of involvement in the feminist movement from both men and women. This same lack of involvement in the feminist movement happens on college campuses. Students of all genders will often agree with feminist issues, but refuse to identify as a feminist. A literature review was conducted to become informed of previous studies involving why feminism is underrated or unengaged with. Primary research includes interviews with 30 (N=30) students from the University of Rhode Island (URI) to help understand resistance towards feminism. Participants were selected at random to be interviewed on their understanding of feminism, experience with sexist behaviors and their active or inactive role in the feminist movement. Conclusions are made about where the resistance towards feminism may derive from. Based on previous studies and the interviews conducted with URI students, recommendations have been made for URI on what can be done to bring feminist awareness and its concerns for equality among genders to campus.
