Examining the relationship between physical and occupational therapists and their patients with multiple sclerosis

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Date of Original Version



This study examines the relationship between physical and occupational therapists (referred to collectively as therapists) and their patients with multiple sclerosis. Specifically, the purposes of this study were to quantify the relationship between (a) therapists' attitudes toward persons with disabilities and their patients' satisfaction, and (b) between therapists' general life values and their patients' satisfaction. An additional purpose was to determine which variable type, attitudes or values, was the most effective predictor of patient satisfaction. Seventy-eight patient/professional dyads contributed data, and a statistically significant multiple correlation was evident between therapists' attitudes and their patients' satisfaction (R = .426, F(7,70) = 2.21, p < .043). The relationship between therapists' values and their patients' satisfaction was nonsignificant. These results support anecdotal literature indicating that for persons with disabilities, therapists' individual difference variables relate to how patients rate their satisfaction with their health care. In addition, the results suggest the use of attitude change interventions as a way of improving these relationships.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health




