Anti-tick biological control agents: Assessment and future perspectives

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INTRODUCTION Since the beginning of the twentieth century investigators have documented numerous potential tick biological control agents, including pathogens, parasitoids and predators of ticks (Jenkins, 1964; Mwangi, 1991; Mwangi et al., 1991; Samish & Rehacek, 1999; Kaaya, 2003; Ostfeld et al., 2006). Several authors have reviewed specific groups of natural enemies of ticks, including pathogens (Lipa, 1971; Hoogstraal, 1977; Chandler et al., 2000), nematodes (Samish, Alekseev & Glazer, 2000a, 2000b; Samish & Glazer, 2001), parasitoids (Cole, 1965; Trjapitzin, 1985; Davis, 1986; Mwangi & Kaaya, 1997; Hu, Hyland & Oliver, 1998; Knipling & Steelman, 2000) and predators (Barre et al., 1991; Mwangi, Newson & Kaaya, 1991; Kok & Petney, 1993; Samish & Alexseev, 2001). In practice, ticks are controlled at present mostly by chemical acaricides (see Chapter 18). However, biological control is becoming an increasingly attractive approach to tick management because of: (1) increasing concerns about environmental safety and human health (e.g. the gradual increase in use of chemical insecticides in several countries is stimulating the growing market of 'organic' food); (2) the increasing costs of chemical control; and (3) the increasing resistance of ticks to pesticides. To date, biocontrol has been targeted largely at pests of plants, with only a few efforts to introduce biocontrol agents for the control of ticks. Nevertheless, the knowledge and experience accumulated in plant protection will aid in the development of tick biocontrol methods.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Ticks: Biology, Disease and Control
