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GSO Technical Report Number


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In order to study the time-varying volume and heat transports of the Kuroshio off southwest Japan, a large number of scientists from Japan and a small number from the U.S.A. formed a group called ASUKA. This group carried out a coordinated investigation which was concentrated in time on the years 1993-95, and in space on a 1,000 km segment of a TOPEX/POSEIDON suborbital track running south-southeast from western Shikoku. This report describes the techniques used to process data collected by ten inverted echo sounders (IES) on this 1,000 km line off Japan, as part of the ASUKA study. The University of Rhode Island (URI) was responsible for all the IES's except IES5 and IES8 which were from the Hydrographic Department of the Japanese Maritime Safety Agency (MSA/HD). The URI IES's were deployed from the Training Vessel Keiten-maru in October 1993 and recovered from the same vessel in November 1995. The MSA/HD IES's were deployed from the Survey Vessel Shoyo in July 1993. IES8 was recovered by Shoyo in May 1994, but unfortunately IES5 was not recovered.
