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Earlier work of Duffy and Barr consisting of exact calculations on alternating antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin‐1/2 chains is extended to longer chains of up to 12 spins, and subsequent extrapolations of thermodynamic properties, particularly the susceptibility, are extended to the weak alternation region close to the uniform limit. This is the region of interest in connection with the recent experimental discovery of spin‐Peierls systems. The extrapolated susceptibility curves are compared with corresponding curves calculated from the model of Bulaevskii, which has been used extensively in approximate theoretical treatments of a variety of phenomena. Qualitative agreement is observed in the uniform limit and persists for all degrees of alternation, but quantitative differences of about 10% are present over the whole range, including the isolated dimer limit. Potential application of the new susceptibility calculations to experiment is discussed.

Publisher Statement

Copyright 1979 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.

The following article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics and may be found at
