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A zero-temperature renormalization group (RG) approach is applied to the one-dimensional, spin-1/2 anti ferromagnetic Heisenberg dimerized (alternating) chain. Specifically, the ground state energy and lowest-lying spectral excitations are examined. The calculation indicates the existence of a gap in the spectrum of the dimerized chain which vanishes only in the limit of a uniform spin chain in contrast to a recent Green's function approach. The RG results are in reasonable agreement with numerical extrapolations on the exact eigenvalue spectrum of finite chains of up to 12 spins. Both methods are compared with several other approximate treatments of the Heisenberg system. and tested by comparison with exact results for the spin-1/2 XY dimerized chain.

Publisher Statement

Copyright 1979 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.

The following article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics and may be found at
