Development of Alzheimer's disease special care units on a statewide level

E. Paul Larrat, University of Rhode Island
Janis L. McKernan-Markoff, Rhode Island Hospital
Maureen Lareau, Salve Regina University
Jean Anderson, Visiting Nurse Service of Newport
Marsha D. Fretwell, University Medical School
John Stoukides, Roger Williams Hospital


The Alzheimer Demonstration Project of Rhode Island is a statewide effort to nurture the development of Alzheimer's disease special care units in both public and private long term carefacilities. Since 1986, the effort has resulted in the establishment of eight special care units, the training of over four hundred health care professionals in both nursing homes, senior citizen centers and adult day carefacilities, the education and involvement offamily caregivers, and the implementation of a research protocol designed to evaluate the effectiveness of these facilities in improving patient outcomes. The project team has also developed special activity programsfor Alzheimer's disease residents, protocols for medication, regimen evaluation and alteration, as well as training materials for professional and family caregivers. Initial resultsfrom the research component of this project document positive effects on medication use, resident survival time and residentfunctional status. © 1994, Sage Publications. All rights reserved.