Senatorial Papers of Claiborne Pell, NEH Collection (URI Libraries) | University of Rhode Island Research | DigitalCommons@URI

The University of Rhode Island houses 2,500 boxes of US Senator Claiborne Pell’s papers, covering the 36 years Pell served as senator from Rhode Island. This unique collection is housed at the University Archives and Special Collections.

As part of the URI Pell Archive Initiative, the Libraries have digitized a subset of the Pell papers related to the formation of the National Endowment for the Humanities. For more information on the Libraries' Pell related collections, contact


Browse the Senatorial Papers of Claiborne Pell, NEH Collection:

Education: National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities, Subject Files I (1973-1996)

Education: National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities, Subject Files II (1962-1996)