Oil spill software with a shell approach

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Oil spill trajectory and fate modeling is used extensively in oil spill response, contingency planning, and as a tool in oil fate and impact assessment. Spill models are now being integrated with tactical response models, impact assessment models, and associated databases to develop oil spill response decision support systems. Based on a decade of experience, Applied Science Associates Inc. (ASA) (Narragansett, RI) has evolved a shell approach to spill modeling suitable for worldwide application: Oilmap. The shell consists of the model software and user interface which remain the same for each application. The user can rapidly switch from one area of interest to another through a pop-up menu. The user provides chart and/or magnetic data on shoreline location, winds, currents, and temperature for a particular study area. The system enables interactive user entry of other geographically referenced data (e.g., shoretype, biological resources, socioeconomic resources, spill response equipment, etc.) through an embedded geographic information system (GIS). Applications can vary in geographic location or in spatial resolution for a given geographic area.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Sea Technology





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