Environmental and geographic data management tools for oil spill modeling applications

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Date of Original Version



As oil spill models have evolved, model developers have rapidly taken advantage of the increasing computational power offered by personal computers and workstations and the associated software tools spawned by this evolution in computing platforms. At the same time the capabilities, flexibility, and richness of the geographic and environmental data management tools available within spill model systems has grown substantially. The evolution of these data management tools has been primarily driven by the increasing capabilities of the computational platforms. In the present paper we summarize the evolution of these data management tools and review some of the most recently developed tools that are available in OILMAP and SIMAP. We note how these have contributed to the usefulness and capabilities of oil and chemical fate and impact models. Examples include the capability to use either raster or vector base maps, to share data with full function GISs, to specify current data sets on a variety of grid systems using a hierarchy of models or advanced data collection systems, to simultaneously visualize winds, currents and trajectories, and to display contours of predicted surface oil spill thickness, oil spill mass and probabilities of oil spill trajectory paths.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Proceedings - 20th Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar 1997

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