Geoacoustic inversions using combustive sound source data from shallow water-2006 experiment

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Date of Original Version



Combustive Sound Source (CSS) data collected on Single Hydrophone Receiving Units (SHRU), in water depths ranging from 65 m to 110 m, during the Shallow Water 2006 experiment clearly show modal dispersion effects and are suitable for modal geoacoustic inversions. CSS shots were set off at 26 m depth in 100 m of water. The inversions performed are based on an iterative scheme using dispersion-based short time Fourier transform in which each time-frequency tiling is adaptively rotated in the time-frequency plane, depending on the local wave dispersion. Results of the inversions are found to compare favorably to local core data. ©2009 IEEE.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

2009 International Symposium on Ocean Electronics, SYMPOL 2009
