Finite element model updating of piezoelectric transducers

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Date of Original Version



Building an accurate finite-element model for a piezoelectric transducer depends on the accuracy of the input material properties, including the elastic, dielectric and piezoelectric parameters, of the piezoelectric materials. But the values provided in the manufacturer's specification sheets for piezoelectric materials are often incomplete or inaccurate. Thus, it is highly desired to have a quick and accurate method of correcting the finite element models for piezoelectric transducers. This study develops and tests a finite element model updating method for piezoelectric tube transducers based on an extended cross-model cross-mode (CMCM) method. This proposed method updates the elastic material properties using a short-circuit model in the first step, and the dielectric and piezoelectric parameters using an open-circuit model in the second step. The only information required is the impedance function - which could be easily obtained from simple experiments - of the transducer. The high performance of the proposed two-step approach will be demonstrated through computer simulations.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

8th IOMAC - International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, Proceedings

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