Special issue: Wave and tidal resource characterization

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The papers that were initially presented in the "Marine Renewable Energy: Resource Characterization, Environmental Impacts, and Societal Interactions" session at the 2016 AGU/ASLO/TOS Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans, USA, on 2/21-26/2016, are highlighted.The wave and tidal resource of Scotland, a nation that has been instrumental in the progress of the industry due to its energetic resource, and the foundation of the European Marine Energy Centre that has become a template for other test centers throughout the world, are discussed. Country-scale wave and tidal resource assessments from two contrasting continents, the Uruguayan shelf seas and within the context of post-Fukushima, Japan, are considered. A number of tidal stream resource assessments, discussing the tidal resource of the Bosphorus, Puget Sound, the Massachusetts coast, Rathlin Sound in Northern Ireland, and the famous Pentland Firth is provided.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Renewable Energy


