Validation of decisional balance and situational temptations measures for dietary fat reduction in a large school-based population of adolescents

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Date of Original Version



Brief, validated, and reliable theory-based measures specifically designed for use in large survey research with adolescent populations are needed to assess attitudes and behaviors about dietary fat consumption. This study validated two transtheoretical model (TTM)-based instruments in 2639 ninth graders from 12 Rhode Island high schools. The Decisional Balance Questionnaire for Adolescent Dietary Fat Reduction (DBQA) measures the importance adolescents assign to the pros and cons of reducing dietary fat consumption, while the Situational Temptations Questionnaire for Adolescents (STQA) measures temptations to eat high-fat foods as both a global construct and across three categories of challenging situations. Four competing models were compared for each instrument. An eight-item, correlated two-factor Pros and Cons model was validated for the decisional balance measure and a nine-item, three-factor hierarchical model was validated for situational temptations. The theoretically predicted relationships between stage of change and the pros and cons, as well as stage and situational temptations were supported. These results demonstrate that both measures have sound psychometric properties and are externally valid. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Eating Behaviors




