Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

First Advisor

Bahram Nassersharif


In this report, Team 16: A Vibe Called Quest navigates the design process to meet the specifications set forward by the sponsor, VIBCO, in order to further explore the impact of utilizing a system designed by the VIBCO team from the 2014-15 school term that vibrates reinforced bars directly. With this study, Team 16 will have created a method of measuring the vibrational transfer in rebar when a vibrator is directly attached. This will demonstrate the way in the oscillation of the rebar interacts with the concrete and how it affects the consolidation of the concrete. Correct concrete consolidation is integral to any safe and dependable structure. The team has also have created a housing for the accelerometers that will allow them to be submerged in situ. This allows for data collection of the vibrational transfer during an actual concrete pour. The clamping bracket created in years past has opened up VIBCO’s traditionally external and internal vibrator market. It is with Team 16s initiative that there will be the data and methodology to now further research and eventually market this item. This project determines the most effective way to create an accelerometer set up that will allow for data collection at multiple positions on a rebar cage.

The following report documents the teams preliminary research, concept generation, formal prioritization, and overall design process. It is heavily dependent on the programming of the accelerometers using the Arduino system. This report projects that with the developed method of data collection through experimentation, a cohesive method of vibrating concrete through rebar is attainable. After redesign of both the accelerometer Arduino programming and the housing that will hold the accelerometers the possibility of experimentation using this system to measure the vibrational transfer is attainable and could eventually be instituted on any job site to guarantee the quality of the pour.


Sponsor: VIBCO
