Hydrostatic implosion of composite cylinders in an open-ended confining structure

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The results, findings, and analytical investigation of an experimental study conducted on the hydrostatic implosion of filament wound carbon fiber epoxy composite tubes within partial confinement are presented. Implosion in geometries varying in length and diameter is initiated within a tubular confining structure with one end closed and one end open to a free-field, hydrostatic environment. Structural deformation behavior is captured and quantified using high speed cameras in conjunction with 3D digital image correlation (DIC). Water hammer pulses resulting from implosion are measured at various locations in the confining chamber and are shown to behave as a damped harmonic oscillator. Water hammer behavior is thus experimentally characterized for each geometry by determining average values of amplitude ΔPmax, frequency of oscillation f, and damping ratio ξ. It is shown that f decreases with increasing implodable volume to confinement volume ratio Vi/Vc, and is theoretically determined with excellent correlation to experimental results. Finally, amplitude of oscillation ΔPmax is theoretically determined and used in conjunction with theoretically determined f and experimentally determined ξ to fully define the hammer wave oscillations resulting from partially-confined implosion.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Composites Part B: Engineering


