Date of Award


Degree Type

Major Paper

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marine Affairs


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the methods and tactics employed at the local level by all of the participants in the resolution of a controversial coastal development issue. It is the author's goal to present a case study of a proposal that had progressed at least through the local level of the approval process and study the mechanism to see if it produces a socially desirable result. Resolution of the final form that the development of Rose Island will take is no closer today than it was in the Spring of 1986, so this paper necessarily has become an assessment of an uncompleted process. Rose Island sits in the middle of Narragansett Bay, barely more than eight-tenths of a mile from the Newport shore, its destiny again a function of its history and its fortunate location. The military history of Rose Island needs to be examined, as the evaluation of the significance of that history as it exists today in the ruins of Fort Hamilton is central to the debate.