Date of Award


Degree Type

Major Paper

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marine Affairs


The restrictions and goals influencing port development today, differ from those that prompted development in the very recent past. In the 1960s, innovations in the transport of cargo and passengers drastically changed maritime transport. In the 1970s, a new awareness of the environment demanded, and through the decade implemented, new changes in coastal development. Port development today is no longer a transaction between the port authority and the Army Corps of Engineers, new federal agencies, with strict developmental guidelines, and the general public are now involved. The outcome of this new way of doing business has been that the lead-time between the decision process to develop and the actual completion of the project has increased dramatically; in some instances, this long lead-time has been the cause for a port authority to abandon the development project. The hypothesis of this research is that port development at Port Canaveral has been successful in spite of the modern developmental regime. It is further hypothesized that the nexus of this success lies with the management structure of the Port and the "broad-front" approach to port development undertaken by the Canaveral Port Authority. Port-research findings are that the results of this study, support the hypotheses.
