Date of Award


Degree Type

Major Paper

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marine Affairs


The twin-island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is situated adjacent to the Republic Of Venezuela such that at one point Trinidad is merely seven miles off the northeast coast of Venezuela. Fishing activities of nationals of each country in the waters of the other are therefore common and often lead to conflict. In an attempt to solve the fishing problem a fishing agreement was negotiated. It came into force in 1978 and expired in 1984 whereupon negotiations commenced once more in an attempt to achieve new accord. The fishing industries of both countries and the conflicts which led to the agreement are described. Fishing activities by nationals of each state in the waters of the other are detailed and values of these catches are estimate and compared. Conflicts and problems related to treaty implementation are discussed and proposals for a new agreement suggested. Indications are that Venezuela was the greater beneficiary of the agreement in terms of quality and value of catch; number of boats fishing and number of men employed; diversity of species landed. Four proposals which could lead to a more equitable agreement than the last are suggested. These proposals include options outside of the terms of the last agreement but which, if implemented, would be of benefit to both parties while simultaneously establishing closer relations over a wider sphere of activities.
