Date of Award


Degree Type

Major Paper

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marine Affairs


Providence Harbor and the Providence River shipping channel in Narragansett Bay need dredging to accommodate the shipping interest of the Port of Providence. Federal and State regulations have evolved in such a way that no dredging can be initiated without identifying sites for disposal of the dredge spoils. Dredge spoils are one of the few remaining categories of materials that, under regulation, can be dumped in the ocean. What then stalemates the process of identifying dredge spoil sites and initiating a dredging program? By default Rhode Island has adopted the "do nothing" alternative for the past twenty years. This apparently is no longer acceptable as an Interagency Task Force has been created by the Governor to develop and implement a dredging plan. This paper follows the State's latest attempt at implementing a dredging program for the Providence River Shipping Channel through the efforts of the "Interagency Task Force to preserve Shipping in Narragansett Bay" (Interagency Task Force).
