Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marine Affairs


The fisheries resources within the EEZs of countries in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States is not being exploited at their maximum sustainable yield. Fisheries development has however been hampered by a history of these states, little or no sectoral development planning. If member states are to realize any increased socio-economic growth in the fisheries sector, it is imperative that a common fisheries management and development strategy be implemented by these states, in an effort to rationalize the use of scarce financial and technical resources. Such a strategy would involve the pursuance of common goals and objectives and the provision of the necessary technical and financial resources for the enhancement of the harvesting subsector and marketing and processing infrastructure. If the region is successful in implanting such a common strategy, Member States fishing industries can realize significant socio-economic growth and a greater contribution to the region's economy.