Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marine Affairs


Global temperatures are expected to increase as a result of the so-called "greenhouse" effect, causing concern among scientists who fear that the sea level may rise as much as three meters by 2100. Using mid-range seal-level-rise scenarios of 1.5 and 2 meters potential socioeconomic impacts on coastal Bangladesh are discussed. The geography is described point out the spatial extent and magnitude of potential damages. Topographic and political-administrative maps are used for population distribution and economic analyses of the areas which would be affected in the sea level rise scenarios. A valuation technique is used to project the gradual GDP loss of the regions most affected from the years 2000-2100. Based on these analyses, implications for Bangladesh policies are discussed and recommendations made that intend to compromise immediate and long-term solutions. Taking consideration the socioeconomic status of the country the implementation of a coastal zone management plan is recommended in order to preserve and protect its natural resources, but above all, to mitigate the hazards to life and property from eustatic rises in sea level and from storm surges. The results of this study indicate that, in order to avoid or mitigate the potential harm of sea level rise, the government, private organizations, and international agencies must initiate counter measures, beginning with strategic planning based on the assumption that the phenomenon will take place. Furthermore, steps to be adopted to reduce actual danger of ocean flooding will, at the same time be steps for sea level rise operation. Major population centers that are located in high-risk areas, 1.5 or 2 m above sea level, must gradually move landward.
