Six Impossible Things: Moving KBART into the Next Decade

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Date of Original Version



KBART is one of the most successful NISO recommendations today. Formally supported by over 80 organizations across all stakeholder groups, it enables a standardized transfer of data between content providers and knowledge bases. Most recently KBART added an automated process to transfer holdings data to localize an institution’s knowledge base holdings. While KBART was originally built to focus on journal and book data, the world has moved on—the different flavors and nuances of open access, the increased use of audiovisual material, holdings at the chapter and article levels, and issues around translations, transliterations, and author names are just some of the challenges that are disrupting the flow. So what is next for KBART? How does it adapt to continue to solve the data flow problems that libraries, publishers, and knowledge base providers face today? The presenters in this session, all members of the NISO KBART Standing Committee and/or the KBART Automation Working Group, discuss the status and future of a “Phase III” revision of NISO KBART that aims not only to clarify the existing recommendations but also to expand them to address the new challenges, including the support of additional content types beyond serials and monographs and improvements to item-level discovery and access.
