URI Department of Journalism Faculty Publications | Journalism | University of Rhode Island
Explore scholarly publications from the Department of Journalism faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2024


The Impact of Social Media Use on Attitudes Toward Mental Healthcare: The Role of Emotional Connectedness and Routine Integration of Social Media, Stephanie Godleski, Ammina Kothari, and Dustin Haraden


Tracking attention about COVID-19 vaccines on twitter and newspapers: A dynamic agenda-setting approach, Yi (Jasmine) Wang, Xjuli Wang, Jueman (Mandy) Zhang, Molu Shi, and Wayne Wanta


Public Discourse, User Reactions, and Conspiracy Theories on the X Platform About HIV Vaccines: Data Mining and Content Analysis, Jueman (Mandy) Zhang, Yi Wang, Magali Mouton, Jixuan Zhang, and Molu Shi

Submissions from 2023


News Consumption Helps Readers Identify Model-Generated News, Ammina Kothari, Andrea Orama, Rachel Miller, Matthew Peeks, Reynold Bailey, and Cecilia Alm


Gathering Stories: Creating Spaces for Young Women to Connect and Build Community through Multimodal Storytelling, Laura Shackelford, Ammina Kothari, and Karen vanMeenan

Submissions from 2022


Social and behavioral vulnerability, pregnancy, and negative mental health outcomes in the U.S. during the Covid-19 pandemic, Stephanie A. Godleski, Casey T. Harris, Kevin M. Fitzpatrick, and Ammina Kothari


Artificial Intelligence and Journalism: An Agenda for Journalism Research in Africa, Ammina Kothari and Sally Ann Cruikshank


#CoronaVirus and public health: the role of social media in sharing health information, Ammina Kothari, Kimberly Walker, and Kelli Burns


The Authorization of the First COVID-19 Vaccines Changed the Level and Nature of Intend to Get Vaccinated, David Schieferdecker, Gerit Pfuhl, and Ammina Kothari