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This editorial describes the current status and trends in the past three decades (1990–2019) of the Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning (JFCP). Since its first issue published in 1990, JFCP has become a major research outlet in consumer finance. The journal publishes cutting-edge, peer-reviewed, original research papers on consumer financial counseling, planning, and education that have broad impacts on both academic research and business practices in the field of consumer finance. It is included in many major indexes such as Scopus, Emerging Source Citation Index, EconLit, among others. It has published influential papers on consumer financial well-being, financial capability, financial education, financial counseling, financial planning, retirement planning, risk tolerance, and financial behavior change.


Jing Jian Xiao and Beatrix Lavigueur are from the Department of Human Development and Family Studies.

Amanda Izenstark is from the Department of Public Services of the University Libraries.
