"Erratum to “Quantifying Cyanothece growth under DIC limitation” [Compu" by Keisuke Inomura, Takako Masuda et al.

Erratum to “Quantifying Cyanothece growth under DIC limitation” [Comput. Struct. Biotechnol. J. 19 (2021) 6456–6464] (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal (2021) 19 (6456–6464), (S2001037021005018), (10.1016/j.csbj.2021.11.036))

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Date of Original Version



The publisher regrets that the published version of some references contained errors that did not exist in the original manuscript. Correctly, references [26–28, 30, 40] should read as follows: [26] Inomura K, Bragg J, Riemann L, Follows MJ. A quantitative model of nitrogen fixation in the presence of ammonium. PLoS One 2018;13(11):e0208282. [27] Inomura K, Wilson ST, Deutsch C. Mechanistic model for the coexistence of nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis in marine Trichodesmium. mSystems 2019;4(4):e00210-19. [28] Inomura K, Follett CL, Masuda T, Eichner M, Prášil O, Deutsch C. Carbon transfer from the host diatom enables fast growth and high rate of N2 fixation by symbiotic heterocystous cyanobacteria. Plants 2020;9(2):192. [30] Inomura K, Deutsch C, Wilson ST, Masuda T, Lawrenz E, Bučinská L, et al. Quantifying oxygen management and temperature and light dependencies of nitrogen fixation by Crocosphaera watsonii. mSphere 2019;4(6):e00531-19. [40] Mulderij G, Mooij WM, Smolders AJP, Van Donk E. Allelopathic inhibition of phytoplankton by exudates from Stratiotes aloides. Aquat Bot 2005;82(4):284–96. The publisher would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal


