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GLBT Center Meeting Minutes August 6, 2009; In attendance; Andrew, Jamie, Jessica, Joe, Brian, Marcus, Morgan; Joe Santiago; Joseph A Santiago; - MERI presentation was confirmed for October with Kathy.; -Additional follow up was done towards creating a MERI South County Chapter. -Career services In-service is Wed. Jamie, Jessica, Marcus and Eva are going. Meet at the center on Wed at 8:30am. About five staff members will be attending from Career Services. Run through will be this Tuesday at 7:30pm.; -On Thursday meet at the center for 9:30am if you are going to Amherst. -Jamie will make 10 color copies of the Welcome Project (thanks Jamie!) -RA training is the 24th.; -Jamie will reserve Chaffee for Rocky Horror Picture Show October 23rd, for 7:00pm. Shows start at 9:00pm, and doors open at 8:45

Date of Original Version



GLBT Center meeting notes, updates, and tasks.



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