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This post contains the GLBT Center Staff Meeting Minutes for June 25 2009. GLBT Center Staff Meeting Minutes: June 25 2009; Newsletter distribution was discussed with regard to creating a GLBT Center listserv and sending it to other listservs throughout the University  Overall, it was agreed that the Welcome Project should be an open and low commitment for participants  It will have regular meetings and programming (not too tasky)  It has the potential to spawn mini groups as well as to affect and support communal relations (MERI, PFLAG, etc.)  It was suggested that we try to earn SEC Assistance to broaden opportunities for co-sponsorship.  Discussions for the development for the Welcome Project will be ongoing.; Round Table Discussions: Joe will facilitate the first round table discussion on the debate of whether Pride festivals should be more family oriented and the implications of such a tone. This will be recorded (sound recording) and linked to our website. Please be at the GLBT Center Monday, June 29th at 6:30pm (before our regular Monday staff meeting).


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