Water‐Energy‐Food Nexus: Examples from the USA

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Availability and predictability of water resources can have direct impacts on food and energy systems and vice versa. The water‐energy‐food (WEF) nexus is intricately linked to everyday life. Like many other countries in the world, the United States has, and is currently facing many challenges with strained water, energy, and food systems. This necessitates a shift in thinking in order to understand that what we do every day affects the WEF nexus and the nexus, in turn, affects our everyday life. A reliable supply of water, energy, and food is one of the most important global challenges of the present time and the future, and we know that the WEF nexus will help address this intricate system in a better way. This chapter presents examples from the water, energy, and food sectors and explores the connections between these three in the context of the globalization and development in the United States, aiming to bring awareness to interactions, interdependencies and management challenges of these three resources.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Geophysical Monograph Series


