This page contains bills passed by the University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate. New bills will be added on an ongoing basis. The complete and authoritative source of current information is the Faculty Senate website.


Submissions from 2015


The Five Hundred and Twenty‑Third Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Twenty‑Third Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee: Curriculum Changes., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Twenty‑Third Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee: Organizational Change – Formation of the Academic Health Collaborative., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee to address Faculty Senate membership and faculty voting rights., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Changes to Articles III, IV, V, and VI of the Constitution of the Faculty Senate and Changes to Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.6, 5.7 of the By‑Laws of the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2014‑15‑7 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2014‑15‑8A from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate: Professional Science Master’s Degree (PSM) in Cyber Security., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2014‑15‑8B from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate: Graduate Certificate in Hydrology., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Twenty‑Second Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Twenty‑Second Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee: Bachelor of Science in Sociology, Deletion of Organizational Analysis Option., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Twenty‑Second Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee: Creation of Online RN to BS program., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Twenty‑Second Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee: Creation of Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (SAFS) degree, major, and subplans., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Twenty‑Second Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee: Transfer of the Department of Landscape Architecture from the College of Environment and Life Sciences to the College of Arts and Sciences., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Twenty‑Second Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee: Transfer the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) degree from the College of Environment and Life Sciences to the College of Arts and Sciences., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Academic Standards and Calendar Committee Report #2014‑15‑3., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Ad Hoc Committee to address Faculty Senate membership and faculty voting rights Report #1: Amendments to University Manual Sections 4.50.13 and 4.60.12., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Authorization of a Referendum of the General Faculty., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Authorization to Allow The Faculty Senate Executive Committee to Act on Recommendations Regarding Rescheduling Class Days Missed, Spring 2015., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2014‑15‑5 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2014‑15‑6 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate: Master of Arts in TESOL/Dual Language Immersion., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Twenty‑First Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Twenty‑First Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee: Change to Degree and Creation of Subplans for Plant Science., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Twenty‑First Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee: Minor in Arabic., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2014‑15‑4 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Twentieth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


University College and General Education Committee Report #2014‑15‑1., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate

Submissions from 2014


Academic Standards and Calendar Committee Report #2014‑15‑2., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Changes to By‑Laws Sections 4.65 – 4.6.9 (University College and General Education Committee) and 4.30 – 4.33 (Undergraduate Academic Advising Committee)., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2014‑15‑2 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2014‑15‑2 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate: College of Nursing – Replace Masters Core Courses with Doctoral Core Courses., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2014‑15‑3A from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate: Graduate Certificate in Community Planning., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2014‑15‑3B from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate: Master of Science in Finance., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2014‑15‑3C from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate: Master of Science in Dietetics., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Nineteenth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Nineteenth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee: Minor in Engineering Entrepreneurship. Approved by President Dooley on January 7, 2015., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Academic Standards and Calendar Committee Report #2014‑15‑1: Changes to University Manual 8.53.30 and Calendar for the Academic Year 2020‑2021., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2014‑15‑1 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate, University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Eighteenth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Proposed New Standing Committee: Committee on Information Technologies, Infrastructure, Computing, Communications, and Networking (CITICCN)., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Seventeenth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Sixteenth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Academic Standards and Calendar Committee Report #2013‑14‑3., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2013‑14‑8 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2013‑14‑8 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate: Program Modification for the M.L.I.S. in Library and Information Studies., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Resolution Honoring Gerald Sonnenfeld., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred Fifteenth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2013‑14‑6 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2013‑14‑7 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate: Graduate Certificate in Digital Literacy and Post Masters Certificate Programs in Nursing., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred Fourteenth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred Fourteenth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee: Minor in Cyber Security., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


University College and General Education Committee Report #2013‑14‑5., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


University Manual Changes: Administrator Evaluation, Sections 5.76.10 – 5.76.12 and 10.90.9 – 10.90.17., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2013‑14‑5A from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2013‑14‑5B from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate: Environmental Planning and Design Track in Masters of Environmental Science and Management (MESM)., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Endorsement of Resolution relative to Board of Education Re‑structuring., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Thirteenth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


University College and General Education Committee Report #2013‑14‑3., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


University College and General Education Committee Report #2013‑14‑4: Revised General Education Program., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2013‑14‑4 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2013‑14‑4 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate, Reactivate the Teacher Certification Program (MATCP) for Kinesiology Physical Education Health Education Teacher Education (PHETE)., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred Twelfth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


University College and General Education Committee Report #2013‑14‑2., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2013‑14‑3 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Report to the Faculty Senate of the Constitution, By‑Laws and University Manual Committee, January 2014., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred Eleventh Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred Eleventh Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee (Division Level Changes)., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate

Submissions from 2013


Curricular Report No. 2013‑14‑2 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Five Hundred Tenth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee: Youth Movement Science Track to the B.S in Kinesiology., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred Tenth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Academic Standards and Calendar Committee Report #2013‑14‑2., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2013‑14‑1 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred Ninth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


University College and General Education Committee Report 2013‑14‑1., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


New sections 8.86.20 – 8.86.27 to the University Manual, Focused Review of an Academic Program., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred Eighth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee, Section II, #1 – 6., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred Eighth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee, Section I, Informational Matters., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Academic Standards and Calendar Committee Report #2013‑14‑1, Amendments to University Manual Sections 8.20.50, 8.26.13, 8.70.50, 8.53.10, 8.53.11, 8.53.30., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Seventh Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Amendment of Section 4.50.10 of the University Manual., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2012-13-7 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Sixth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Resolution in Honor of Chairperson Peter Larsen., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Resolution in Honor of Sheila Black Grubman., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Resolution in Support of a Firearms-Free Campus., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Amendment to the Charge to the Library Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2012-13-6 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Establishment of the Undergraduate Academic Advising Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Exam Proctoring Policy for Online Courses., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Expression of Gratitude to University Ombud Vincent C. Rose., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Rescission of Bill #12-13--20 and Revised 7.22.10 of the University Manual., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred and Fifth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2012-13-5 from The Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Endorsement of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Town of South Kingstown and the University of Rhode Island and its Land Grant Programs on the Healthy Place by Design Project., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Open Access Policy for the University of Rhode Island., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


The Five Hundred Fourth Report of the Curricular Affairs Committee., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


University College and General Education Committee Report #2012-13-5: HIS 176. President Dooley on March 18, 2013., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Academic Standards and Calendar Committee Report #2012-13-1: Sections 8.54.10 and 8.34.10 of the University Manual., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Academic Standards and Calendar Committee Report #2012-13-2: University Calendar for 2018-19., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Curricular Report No. 2012-13-4 from the Graduate Council to the Faculty Senate., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate


Recommendations for Winter J-Term Session., University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate