Explore scholarly publications from the Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 1988


Hicksian Welfare Measures within a Regret Theory Framework, James J. Opaluch and Kathleen Segerson

Submissions from 1987


Marine pollution and environmental damage assessment: Introduction, J. J. Opaluch

Submissions from 1986

COMPUTER MODEL SYSTEM FOR CERCLA TYPE A DAMAGE ASSESSMENTS., Mark Reed, Deborah French, Thomas Grigalunas, and James Opaluch

Submissions from 1985


Nonpoint agricultural pollution: Pesticide contamination of groundwater supplies, Glen D. Anderson, James J. Opaluch, and W. Michael Sullivan


Assessing the viability of marketable permit systems: An application in hazardous waste management, J. J. Opaluch and R. M. Kashmanian

Submissions from 1984

Cost effectiveness of publicly funded research: A case study of the United States academic research fleet, John M. Gates, Thomas A. Grigalunas, and Luis F. Vieira


Dynamic aspects of effluent taxation under uncertainty, James J. Opaluch

Controlling stochastic pollution events through liability rules: Some evidence from OCS leasing, James J. Opaluch and Thomas A. Grigalunas

Submissions from 1983


Discrete modelling of supply response under uncertainty: The case of the fishery, Nancy E. Bockstael and James J. Opaluch

Submissions from 1974

A THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK FOR RURAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, Ronald G. Cummings, Thomas A. Grigalunas, and Edmond E. Seay