Medication reminding activity analyzer for guided independent living environments (MRAAGILE): Implementing Motion Dependent Medication Reminders

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Date of Original Version



The MRAAGILE is a device designed to monitor and reinforce medication consumption as well as promote a healthy daily regimen for those who choose to live independently. The device provides interactive reminder messages to inspire the user to follow directives. The purpose of this is to implement motion detection following a reminder to determine whether the user is responding. The device will receive instructions from the user manually on the device or by using a bluetooth wireless link to transmit the times for which medication is to be taken. After reminders are set, the mobile device will continue to function until the first reminder time is reached. A message will be played. If motion is detected, it will serve as an indicator that the message was acknowledged. If not, it will trigger an alarm to remind the user to complete the action. The alarm will deactivate once motion is detected. This device will be useful for increasing the independence for older adults who live in the community as well as assistive living environments.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Proceedings of the IEEE Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, NEBEC


