Social computing research map

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Date of Original Version



Online society has triggered social computing which is an interdisciplinary that takes a computational approach to the study and modelling of social interactions and communications. How to measure this field's state of the art is an important work to foster its prosperity. In this paper, we figure out a dual-dimension framework of focus and maturelevel to characterize the discipline. Aiming at focus, we propose a research focus spectrum lens to make sense of which aspect a study focuses on from social behaviour to computational systems. We give a benchmark to measure the mature level of a social computing study based on Denning's computing paradigm. We use the framework to analyze the 187 paper s published at the SocialCom09. Based the analysis result, we map the social computing field by the distribution on research focus and the distribution on mature level. © 2010 IEEE.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Proceedings - 2010 IEEE 2nd Symposium on Web Society, SWS 2010
