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Digital Community Voices Committee Agenda; The overarching goal of this committee is to encourage dialogue around diversity education while encouraging a digital media literacy skillset. This committee will serve as a hub for different departments, associations, and individuals representing a wide spectrum of populations within the URI community and will serve to manage the program in a collegial manner. The Digital Community Voices Committee will utilize writing, the production of multimedia content, and educational digital media products (E-books, TV shorts, podcasts, DVDs, and streaming videos) that showcase diversity, inclusion and community of the URI community; The target audience for the program will be the URI community, prospective community members and the global community interested in issues of diversity; The works from this committee have the potential to engage current and future students to become more involved with the URI community and further connect through shared visions and experiences even before they get to URI; Joseph Santiago Co-Chair; Dana Neugent Co-Chair

Date of Original Version



The overarching goal of this committee is to encourage dialogue around diversity education while encouraging a digital media literacy skillset. This committee will serve as a hub for different departments, associations, and individuals representing a wide spectrum of populations within the URI community and will serve to manage the program in a collegial manner. The Digital Community Voices Committee will utilize writing, the production of multimedia content, and educational digital media products (E-books, TV shorts, podcasts, DVDs, and streaming videos) that showcase diversity, inclusion and community of the URI community. The target audience for the program will be the URI community, prospective community members and the global community interested in issues of diversity. The works from this committee have the potential to engage current and future students to become more involved with the URI community and further connect through shared visions and experiences even before they get to URI.

Agenda Items

1. Establishing how the committee will function and purpose.

2. Dana is currently sorting through over 1,000 hours of video he has shot to date at URI looking for programming we can immediately air on URI Campus TV and the RI Educational Network. This includes titles we should have available to discuss at our first meeting.

3. Order of titles to be digitized for URI Campus TV and the RI Educational Network (Local Access)

4. Opportunity for training for those on the committee to become Administers of the Community Equity & Diversity Digital Collections (CEDDC).

5. Establishing process and procedure for utilizing the CEDDC and television broadcasting for new and old programing.

6. Volunteers and/or ideas for future projects and programing.

7. People we would like to invite to be members to create stronger partnerships and make the committee sustainable.



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