Preliminary hydrographic surveys of some ponds in the Pelican Cays, Belize, Central America

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Hydrographic and hydrologic surveys of three ponds in the Pelican Cays Group were carried out using hand-held sonar, pressure transducer tide loggers, and YSI temperature-salinity probes. These ponds characteristically have a circular pattern with steeply sloping sides. The pond depths range from 4.6 m in a small pond with a diameter of 100 m to 15.2 m in a large pond with a diameter of 840 m; in general, depth increases with increasing pond size. Depths ranged from 15.2 m for a distance of 100 m between cays to 28.7 m for a distance of 1,150 m. Pond salinities averaged 35.3 ppt with a range of 1.5 ppt, and temperatures averaged 31.4°C with surface temperatures about 1°C higher than bottom temperatures.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Atoll Research Bulletin


