Summing symbols in mutual recurrences

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Date of Original Version



The problem of summing a set of mutual recurrence relations with constant coefficients is investigated. A method is presented for summing an order d system of the form A(n) = ∑i=1d MiA(n-i) + G(n), where A,G:ℕ → Km and M1...,Md ∈ Mm (K) for some field K and natural number m. The procedure expresses the sum ∑i=0n in terms of A(n),...,A(n-d), initial conditions and sums of the inhomogeneous term G(n). © 2011 Springer-Verlag.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)


6842 LNCS
