"A Review of the Concept of Intercultural Sensitivity" by Guo-Ming Chen and William J. Starosta

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Date of Original Version



Communication Studies


The development of a "global village" strongly demands the ability of intercultural sensitivity between people for survival in the 21st century. Due to current lack of study on the subject, this paper aims to: (1) provide a conceptualization of intercultural sensitivity; (2) specify the role intercultural sensitivity plays in intercultural training programs; (3) delineate the components of intercultural sensitivity; and (4) critique and suggest directions for future study in this line of research. As a result, a working definition of intercultural sensitivity is generated. The components of intercultural sensitivity examined include: self-esteem, self-monitoring, open-mindedness, empathy, interaction involvement, and non-judgment. In addition, the paper discusses confusion among intercultural awareness, intercultural sensitivity, and intercultural competence and suggests future directions for research in intercultural sensitivity.

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