Self-healing concrete developed using sodium silicate microcapsules

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The researchers at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, US have developed a self-healing concrete that could extend the life of structures and reduce repair costs. The researchers have embedded a microencapsulated sodium silicate healing agent directly into a concrete matrix. When stress cracks begin to form in the concrete, the capsules rupture and release the healing agent into the adjacent areas. In tests comparing a standard concrete mix with concrete containing 2% by weight sodium silicate healing agent, the healing mix recovered 26% of its original strength after being stressed to near breaking versus a 10% recovery of strength by the standard mix. Other researchers have laced concrete with bacteria spores that secrete calcium carbonate to fill the cracks and pores, while others have embedded glass capillaries with a healing agent, but the process of filling the capillaries with the agent is long and tedious.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Advanced Composites Bulletin



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