Fliers and abstracts from the Spring 2022 Amgen Seminar Series in Chemical Engineering at the University of Rhode Island.

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Thursday, January 27th
12:45 PM

Extremes of Heat Conduction: Pushing the Limits of Thermal Transport

Ashutosh Giri, University of Rhode Island

Cherry Auditorium, Kirk Hall

12:45 PM

Thursday, February 10th
12:45 PM

Tuning Agrochemical Chemistry at the Nanoscale to Enhance Stress Tolerance, Crop Nutrition, and Yield

Jason White, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

Cherry Auditorium, Kirk Hall

12:45 PM

Thursday, March 10th
12:45 PM

Sphericity and Symmetry Breaking in Asymmetric Diblock Copolymer Melts

Frank S. Bates, University of Minnesota

Cherry Auditorium, Kirk Hall

12:45 PM

Thursday, March 24th
12:45 PM

The Scientific Basis of Climate Change: Understanding the Past to Present and Implications for the Future

V. Ramaswamy, NOAA

Cherry Auditorium, Kirk Hall

12:45 PM

Thursday, April 7th
12:45 PM

Linked-colloidal Nanocrystal Gels

Thomas Truskett, University of Texas at Austin

Cherry Auditorium, Kirk Hall

12:45 PM

Thursday, April 14th
12:45 PM

Metabolomics Defines Human Immune Response to Influenza Vaccination

Drew R. Jones, New York University Lengone Health

Cherry Auditorium, Kirk Hall

12:45 PM

Thursday, April 21st
12:45 PM

Multi-scale Computer Modeling for Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Bodhi Chaudhuri, University of Connecticut

Cherry Auditorium, Kirk Hall

12:45 PM

Thursday, April 28th
12:45 PM

The Last One! Titanium and Me; A Career in Failure

Richard Brown, University of Rhode Island

Cherry Auditorium, Kirk Hall

12:45 PM

Friday, July 15th
10:00 AM

Nucleation Under Shear Flow

Jayant K. Singh, Indian Institute of Technology

Cherry Auditorium, Kirk Hall

10:00 AM

Thursday, August 25th
12:45 PM

Insight Into Battery Cell Production and Battery Performance with Digital Twins and Operando Measurement Techniques

Daniel Schroeder, TU Braunschtweig

Cherry Auditorium, Kirk Hall

12:45 PM