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Biomedical research is now a field not only opens to the gathering of medical data on diagnostic tests, epidemic research and disease prevention and cure. The purpose of biomedical research is now properly changed to the application modern methods of scientific sophistication whereby operations research, statistical analytics and analysis and data management often referred to as “Data Science” and for marketing purposes “Big Data.”Research methods are now everywhere one sees from the production of most automotive parts to the check-out lines at most supermarkets and the design of seating arrangement to maximize cash inflow on aircraft. Not all satisfy all users of technological improvement but they are everywhere to satisfy the desires of the decision makers whose goals vary but often provide satisfaction to them. In the medical sciences, we observe trends in the direction of great changes in patient care and quicker methods for decision purposes. We often refer to this as automation but it is the advances in computer technologies that drive this mechanization of seemingly simple but technological advanced tasks to streamline patient care methodologies.

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