Effects of hedonic components and user's gender on the acceptance of screen-based information services

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To compete successfully with other information media, screen-based information services would have to offer hedonic qualities that appeal to a wide range of users, men as well as women. To study effects of hedonic components of information services, a software simulation of an interactive service was designed. In an experiment, 59 female and 73 male subjects were exposed to this software simulation. Hedonic features (presence or absence of colour, graphics, and music) of the simulated information service were factor-ially varied to form eight unique treatment configurations. Music and colour were shown to affect level of enjoyment and intention to use the service. The effects varied according to gender: females showed greater intention to use the service than did males. Males showed greater preference for the colour version. These findings provide some basic design guidelines for information service marketers and point to the need for future research-based exploration of this area. © 1993 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Behaviour and Information Technology




