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Date of Original Version



Business Administration


This study reports the results of a systematic literature review investigating paradoxes in supply chain management. This issue is important because supply chain practitioners frequently face paradoxes in industry with little direction provided in supply chain literature. Investigating the years 1997 through 2019, we identified 64 articles as the basis of our research containing a total of 68 unique paradoxes. In identifying the paradox elements (PEs), we adopted paradox theory (PT) as the base theoretical approach, which was utilized in only 7 of the articles. We employed contingency theory, institutional complexity theory, and complexity theory to support our findings. For each paradox, we also extracted and summarized managerial insights for practitioners. This study addresses the emergent needs of investigating paradoxes in the supply chain management domain to extend the use of PT and complementary theories that can aid practitioners in how to efficiently manage the paradoxes they encounter in industry.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

International Journal of Production Economics


