Content Posted in 2010
2010 New England Technical Services Librarians Spring Conference: Crosswalks to the Future: Library Metadata on the Move, Andrée J. Rathemacher, Martha Rice Sanders, and Michael A. Cerbo II
3rd Grade Bullying Assessment, Jenna Moschetto
Abnormal Vapor Densities, Minnie Elizabeth Rice
A Central Heating-Plant for the Rhode Island College, Albert Prince Kenyon
Acetylene Gas; Its Preparation and Value as an Illuminant, Alfred W. Bosworth
A Comparative Study of Self-Disclosure in Face-to-Face and Email Communication Between Americans and Chinese, Carolyn Durand
Acquisitions Unit Annual Report 1987-1988, Robin B. Devin
Acquisitions Unit Annual Report 1988-1989, Robin B. Devin
Acquisitions Unit Annual Report 1989-1990, Robin B. Devin
Acquisitions Unit Annual Report 1990-1991, Robin B. Devin
Acquisitions Unit Annual Report 1991-1992, Robin B. Devin
Acquisitions Unit Annual Report 1995-1996, Martha H. Kellogg
Acquisitions Unit Annual Report 1996-1997, Martha Kellogg
Acquisitions Unit Annual Report 1997-1998, Martha Kellogg
Acquisitions Unit Annual Report 2009-2010, Andree J. Rathemacher
Addressing the Lack of Palliative Care Resources for ICU Patients and Families, Jeffrey Chiv
Ad Hoc Committee on CD-ROM Collections Report, William O'Malley, Laury Johnson, Deborah Mongeau, John Osterhout, and Eileen Tierney
Advanced Studies in the Graphic Novel, Thomas Barkman
Advanced Studies in the Graphic Novel, Thomas Barkman
A Guide to the Continuing Investigation of the Relationship between the Cytoskeleton and Cell Wall in Developing Buds of Physcomitrella patens, Derek Brockman
A Half Century of Crop Rotation, Theodore Eugene Odland, Albert L. Owens, and Robert Smith Bell
Amusements in Colonial Times, Mildred Wayne Harvey
Annual Report 1969-1970 Order Department, William T. O'Malley
Annual Report 1970-1971 Order Department, William T. O'Malley
Annual Report 1971-1972 Order Department, William T. O'Malley
Annual Report 1972-1973 Order Department, William T. O'Malley
A Plea for the Town System of Public Schools, Ruth Hortense James
Are Violence-Tolerant Individuals More Susceptible To Involvement in Violent/Risky Behaviors?, Justine Egan
A Rhode Island Patriot, Alfred Willson Bosworth
Artificial Refrigeration, Carroll Knowles
Art in Our Surroundings: An Exploration in Recycled Art Influenced by the Environment, Armine Tahmassian
Asciugare e Parlare: a Short Story of San Nicandro Garganico, Michael C. Vocino
A South County Almanac, Nevan Richard
A South County Almanac: Recollections and Observations of the Outdoors in Southern Rhode Island, Nevan Richard
A Turbulent Debate In The Ocean State, Dylan D. Lynch
Ballroom Dance Choreography, Jennifer Paquette
Campaigns from the Classroom to the Boardroom, Kathleen Slocum
Captain Stephen Olney, Ruth Hortense James
Cataloging Online Usage Statistics for F/Y 2010
Charles Lamb., May Brown
Choosing the Right Free IM Providers and Clients for Your Library, Amanda Izenstark
Citrate Synthase and the Visual Interactions Hypothesis, Kristina Camarena
Combustion Analysis; Estimation of Carbon & Hydrogen, Clifford Brewster Morrison
Comets and Meteors, Lincoln N. Oatley
Comparative Mitochondrial Genomics: Red Algal Alloparasites, Megan O’Brien
Computer Energy Use: How Does Awareness Impact Behavior?, Kristina DiSanto
Cooking with Tal, Talene Kachigian
Decadence of Country Towns in Rhode Island, Welcome Sands Carmichael
Der arme Heinrich and the Golden Legend, Sarah Estelle Arnold
Designing a Model of an Online Business and Writing a Business Plan, Katherine Swick
Determination of Atmospheric Constituents, Ralph Ordway Brooks
DigitalCommons@University of Rhode Island Statistics 2009-2010
EBSCO Historical Price Analysis Report 2010
EBSCO Library of Congress Classification Report 2010
Efficiency of the Electric Lighting Plant of the Rhode Island College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, John Joseph Fry
Engineering Students’ Perception of Academic Dishonesty at an American University in the Middle East, Akmal S. Abdelfatah and Sami W. Tabsh
Ethical Orientation of Future Business Leaders, John Rooney
Evolution of the Dynamo, Ralph Nelson Soule
Exploring Health Through the Lens of Homelessness, Faith T. Adewusi
Exposure: Making Changes in American Public Education, Katharine McAllister
Facilitating Behavior Change of Coastal Communities in Regards to Climatic Hazards, Marisa Nixon
Finding My Way Into Opposition: Joel and Jon, Michael C. Vocino
Food, and Its Relation to Domestic Science, Harriet Florence Turner
Future of Criminal Justice in America, Andrew Karanikolis
FY2008 Fiscal Close Report from Innovative Interfaces Acquisitions Module
FY2009 Fiscal Close Report from Innovative Interfaces Acquisitions Module
Government Education of the Indians, Eliza Alice Tefft
Heating and Ventilation, Blydon Ellery Kenyon
Hematological Neoplasms: Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia, Andrea Bakalakis
Heterologous Expression of the Porphyra yezoensis CesA gene in Physcomitrella patens, Virginia Lai
Home Life in Ancient Rome, Bertha Douglass Tucker
How Electricity May Be Used to Operate Machinery, John Franklin Knowles
Intégration en Amérique : des étudiants français et chinois à l’Université de Rhode Island, Marjorie Johnson
Inversion Applied to the Common Equations of the Conic Sections, Edna Maria Cargill
Iron and Its Value, Archie F. Grunnell
Jackscrews, Albert Lewis Kenyon
Johanna Ambrosius, Bessie B. Hoxie
Journal Usage by Subject for Fiscal Year 2010, Michael A. Cerbo II
Journal Usage Report for Fiscal Year 2010, Michael A. Cerbo II
Labor Versus Capital, Irving Thomas
Language Barriers in Health Care, Lauren Houle
Libraries Past and Present, Lillian Mabelle George
Library Impact Statement for AFS 132 Aminal Agriculture, Food Policy and Society
Library Impact Statement for BUS 390 Junior Career Passport Program
Library Impact Statement for ECN 333 Economics and the Law
Library Impact Statement for EVS/NRS/EEC 109 Introduction to Sustainable Energy Issues
Library Impact Statement for Health Services Program
Library Impact Statement for HIS 110 Ancient Greece
Library Impact Statement for HIS 300 The Hellenistic World
Library Impact Statement for HIS 303 The Roman Empire
Library Impact Statement for HIS 363 Public History: Presenting Rhode Island's Past
Library Impact Statement for HIS 387 Latin America at the Movies
Library Impact Statement for LRS/MBA 573 Staffing Organizations
Library Impact Statement for MBA 562 Global Supply Chain Management
Library Impact Statement for MBA 588 Marketing Communications Management
Library Impact Statement for SUS/ECN/COM 108 Spaceship Earth
Library Web Site Statistics 2008-2009, Andree J. Rathemacher
Literature for Children, Gertrude Sarah Fison
Lubricating Oils, George Albert Sherman
Lyrasis Product Usage and Expenditures FY10
Modern Tendencies in Technical Education, Harry Knowles
Municipal Transportation, Charles Noyes Wheeler
New York, Providence and Boston Railroad. Report to the General Manager, Upon the Construction of the Thames River Bridge and Approaches, at New London, Conn., by Alfred P. Boller, Chief Engineer, Alfred Pancoast Boller
North Kingstown in the Revolution, Mildred Wayne Harvey
Observations of the Adaptation of the Leaves of Kalmia latifolia to Environment, Grace Ellen Wilson
Open Forum: The Future of Library Systems, Maria Collins and Andrée J. Rathemacher
Order Department's Annual Report, 1976-1977, William T. O'Malley
Our National Police, William Case Clarke
Petroleum, Charles F. Kenyon
Pharmacist Led Interventions to Increase Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Hospitalized Patients and Healthcare Workers, Maria Kluzek
Pharmacist Led Interventions to Increase Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Hospitalized Patients and Healthcare Workers, Maria Kluzek
Power for Agricultural Purposes, Charles Andrew Brayton
Public Highways, John Peter Case
QuikSCAT Analysis of Hurricane Force Extratropical Cyclones in the Pacific Ocean, Peter Jzyk
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Revamping a Freshman Seminar Information Literacy Program, Amanda Izenstark and Mary C. MacDonald
Reference Database Usage Statistics 2007-2008
Reference Database Usage Statistics 2008-2009
Reference Database Usage Statistics 2009-2010
RefWorks Usage Statistics 2009-2010
Reinterpreting Ancient Egypt through Modern Dress, Sarah Bolton
Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Bibliographic Control of Electronic Serials, James A. Barrett, Marjorie Jackson, Martha Kellogg, Kenneth Krepp, Karen Ramsay, and Deborah Sanford
Report of The Ad Hoc Digital Commons Task Force, Michael Vocino, Michael Cerbo, Margaret J. Keefe, and Sarina Wyant
Rhode Island Privateering in the Revolution, Bailey J. Cornell
Rhode Island's Committee of Correspondence, Bertha Douglass Tucker
Scientific Restraint: The Balance between Progress and Safety, Richard Bell
Serials Solutions Click-Through Statistics By Provider and Database 2009-2010
Serials Solutions Search Type Report 2009-2010
Serials Solutions Subject Search Report 2009-2010
Signal-book for the Ships of War, Henry Edles
Some Contributions of Pure Math to Science, Herbert B.E. Case
Some Tendencies of Militarism, Walter Clarke Phillips
South Kingstown in the Revolution, John Wilby
Steam Boilers, George Clarence Ammonds
Sustainable Scholarship Forum, Andrée J. Rathemacher
Tennyson's Debt to the "Morte D'Arthur", Sally Rodman Thompson
Ten Years of Rhode Island History, Edna Ethel Dawley
Test of a 25 K. W. Dynamo in Use at the Rhode Island College, Merril Agustus Ladd
Test of High-Speed Engine, William Frazier Owen
The American Food Problem, Charles Lawrence Sargent
The Block Signal System, Henry Maxon Brightman
The Bradford Manuscript, Abbie Gertrude Sherman
The British and French in Newport (First Prize Lippitt Prize Essay), Mary W. Dimock
The College Settlement, Anna Brown Sherman
The Colonial Dame, Gertrude Marie Hanson
The Daughters of Liberty in Rhode Island, Nellie Albertine Briggs
The Determination of Sulphuric Acid in the Presence of Iron, Louis George Karl. Clarner Jr.
The Discovery and Settlement of the Mississippi Valley, Charles Clark Cross
The Effect of Inventions Upon Social Problems, Henry A. Congdon
The Future of Criminal Justice in America, Andrew Karanikolis
The Future of the Rhode Island Economy, James C. LeShane
The Industrial Evolution of the United States, Howard Dexter Smith
The influence of Crop Plants on Those Which Follow V, Theodore Eugene Odland, Robert Smith Bell, and John B. Smith
The Life and Writings of John C. Colt (1810-1842): A More Even-handed Approach and a Request for Your Participation, Richard Vangermeersch
The Life History of an Animal Cell, William Ferguson Harley
The New England Town, Arthur Earle Munro
The Pioneer Settlement of Ohio, Roena Hoxsie Steere
The PostSecret Phenomenon: A Contemporary Application of Existential Psychotherapy, Dan Martin
The PostSecret Phenomenon: A Contemporary Application of Existential Psychotherapy, Dan Martin
The Rhode Island Greening, George Edward Adams
The Role of Memory and Eye Witness Testimony, Angela Lang
The Strawberry, George Washington Barber
The Value of the Colonies to the Mother Country, Lenora Estelle Stillman
The Water Supply of the Rhode Island College, Edgar Francis Tabor
Tides, Robert Spink Reynolds
Trusts: Their Advantages and Disadvantages, Arthur Albertus Denico
Understanding the Brain-Drain in the African Diaspora: Focusing on Nigeria, Jessica A. Adefusika
Village Improvement, Nellie Albertine Briggs
Water: Its Inluence on Health and Disease, John Wilby
What Color is Your Paratext?, Geoffrey Bilder and Andrée J. Rathemacher
WILLIAM, Michael C. Vocino
Women in Economics, Elizabeth Agnes Sherman
Women in the French Revolution, Edna Ethel Dawley
Women in the Revolution, Edith Goddard
Writing, Illustrating, and Publishing a Children’s Book, Sarah Payne