Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science


Computer Science and Statistics

First Advisor

Jean-Yves Hervé


In today’s market, video games are a popular source of entertainment for people. Many successful games require environments that are engaging for players. Procedural generation is a technique that allows the creation of environments and other types of content for video games. What makes a procedural algorithm successful will depend on the type of game being developed. The purpose of this research is to discuss algorithms for generating non-linear game-worlds for 2D platformer video games. During this research, I implemented a platformer game with some very basic goals and mechanics. The player can move and jump around an environment or game-world, while trying to collect coins. Once I finished the game, I implemented two different algorithms for generating game-worlds. The first algorithm did not achieve the results I wanted for my game so I implemented a maze-based algorithm. This algorithm worked better and was customized to create non-linear platformer game-worlds. After completing the algorithm, I needed a way to determine how effective the algorithm was at creating game-worlds. I completed a user-based study where subjects were asked to play my custom platformer game. The game recorded the results from the test subjects. After the study, I did some statistical analysis on the data and determined that the algorithm did a decent job controlling the difficulty of the game-worlds.



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