Processing of Positive Memories Technique (PPMT) for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Primer

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Date of Original Version



Despite substantial evidence linking posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and positive memory processes, existing trauma research and clinical work focuses primarily on trauma memories. In light of this limitation, Contractor and colleagues proposed a conceptual model linking PTSD to positive memories; this provided the backdrop to develop a manualized positive memory therapy protocol for trauma-exposed individuals (Processing of Positive Memories Technique [PPMT]). In the current study, we first present justification for developing PPMT by outlining the role of positive memories in PTSD's symptomatology according to trauma theories, as well as empirical evidence and intervention research linking trauma/PTSD to positive memory processes. Next, we provide information on the preliminary PPMT protocol by outlining (a) theoretical foundations; (b) intervention strategies PPMT draws from; (c) objectives; and (d) a session-by-session description of goals, content, and homework assignments. Finally, we end by highlighting some (a) unique features and advantages of PPMT such as integrating well-supported experimental and cognitive psychology research into intervention research, bridging the gap between basic science and applied research, and being tailored to PTSD's unique symptomatology and (b) directions for future research. The aim of this article was to provide a primer on PPMT to facilitate its empirical examination and applicability in PTSD research and clinical work.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Journal of Psychotherapy Integration
