History of sex exchange in women with a history of incarceration

Document Type


Date of Original Version



Sex exchange among incarcerated women is not well-described in the literature. Sex exchange can lead to numerous adverse health outcomes, especially when combined with individual factors (e.g., depression and homelessness) and larger systemic inequalities. The purpose of this study was to explore factors associated with having a history of sex exchange among a sample of incarcerated women. Of 257 women surveyed in this study, 68 women (26.5%) reported a history of sex exchange. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, physical abuse history (p=.05, OR 2.20), history of two or more sexually transmitted infections (p=.01, OR 2.90), injection drug use (p=.04, OR 2.46) and crack-cocaine use (p<.01, OR 3.42) were associated with prior sex exchange. This is one of only two studies to examine factors associated with prior sex exchange among incarcerated women. Our study has important implications for corrections providers to provide more comprehensive care, directly addressing the unique needs of this population.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved




