Discriminative ability of the Trail Making Test in young children

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The Trail Making Test (TMT) is often used to assess the visual-motor speed, scanning, and planning abilities of both brain damaged and learning disabled children. However, most research on the TMT has been limited to older children (ages 9 to 14). The present study describes the ability of the TMT to discriminate between normal and slow learners among a group of 122 young children (ages 6 to 8, grades K through 2). Children were classified as Normal or Slow Learners after a five month observartion period using the Rhode Islad Profile of Early Learning Behavior, a longitudinal teacher rating scale. Multivariate analysis of variance showed that the Normal Learner group completed both parts of the TMT more rapidly than did the Slow Learner group. Discriminant and classification analyses correctly classified 78% of the first and second grade children. Sensitivity (correct classification of Slow Learners) and specificity (correct classification of Normal Learners) of the TMT was 78.3% and 77.8%, respectively. The TMT was not able to correctly classify Slow Learners among the Kindergarten children.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

International Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology





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